Biden’s Christmas Address Fails to Mention Jesus, Instead Turns Political

by Eric Lendrum


On Thursday, Joe Biden’s Christmas address to the nation did not once mention Jesus Christ, the namesake of the holiday and the main reason a majority of Americans celebrate the Christmas season.

Breitbart reports that, while Biden made half-hearted references to the Birth of Jesus, he did not mention Jesus by name, and also described it as “the birth of a child, a child that Christians believe to be the Son of God.”

Biden later transitioned the speech into a political message, talking about such platitudes as “light” and “peace.”

“That light is still with us, illuminating our way forward as Americans and citizens of the world,” Biden said, “a light that burned at the beginning and at Bethlehem.”

“I sincerely hope this holiday season will drain the poison that has infected our politics and set us against one another,” Biden continued, turning a message that is supposed to be non-partisan into a partisan speech. “And look. Really look at each other. Not as Democrats or Republicans, not as members of team red or team blue, but as who we really are. Fellow Americans.”

Since taking office, many have pointed out Biden’s failure to adhere to basic Christian and Catholic teachings despite allegedly being a practicing Catholic. He has openly supported homosexuality and transgenderism and has hosted such activists at the White House, and proudly supports abortion despite the Catholic Church being against the act.

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness.
Photo “Joe Biden” by President Joe Biden.




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2 Thoughts to “Biden’s Christmas Address Fails to Mention Jesus, Instead Turns Political”

  1. Tim Price

    Why are we not surprised!!

  2. Randall Davidson

    Cmon Joe……


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